After a few months of hard behind-the-scenes work, our steering committees have some BIG news!
First, we'd like to give a huge congratulations to our first ever Two-Star QYD Community, Brattleboro, VT!

Brattleboro earned their two-star status by documenting months of hard work putting together the first ever community youth council in Vermont! The steering committee worked with a design team of youth who decided on the terms and operation of the council, then organized a community-wide election on a slate of candidates. The Brattleboro Area Youth Council is expected to begin meeting soon!
Meanwhile, the Deerfield Valley steering committee is also making a big impact on their community — they've opened a welcoming afterschool space for youth in their community, meeting benchmark #1! This is the community's second benchmark met, and there's more on the way!
The Stowe steering committee has also been working hard on opening a youth center and are closer than ever! After finding a gracious host of space in the community, the committee recently secured funding to hire a coordinator for the youth center, and is working on building up an advisory council of youth and adult community members to help guide the youth center operations. We can't wait to see all their hard work pay off!